If your question is not answered below, please call us on 9446 3833 or click here to email us.
What is the fee for a Physiotherapy consultation
Physiotherapy initial consultation: $89
Physiotherapy subsequent consultation: $84
Hydrotherapy rehabilitation session: $30
Hydrotherapy arthritis class: $25
Clinical Exercise Initial Assessment (1 hour): $110 including a pair of Clinical exercise socks
Clinical Exercise class one one one (40 minutes): $84
Clinical Exercise class (60 minutes, max THREE participants): $59
Initial Running Assessment (1 hour): $150
Subsequent Running Assessment (40 minutes): $90
Do I need a Doctor’s referral to see a Physiotherapist?
No, a doctor’s referral is not necessary to see a physiotherapist as a private patient.
However you do require a doctor’s referral if:
- you have been injured at work and are covered through a Workers’ Compensation Scheme.
- you have been in a motor vehicle accident and are covered through the Insurance Commission.
- you are a Department of Veteran’s Affairs patient (DVA).
- you are covered through Medicare’s Enhanced Primary Care Program.
Is Physiotherapy covered by Private Health Funds?
If you have ancillary (Physiotherapy) cover as part of your health insurance, you should be able to receive a rebate on all the services we offer (except Telehealth at this stage). Rebates will differ between health funds and are dependent on your level of cover. We have HICAPS facilities, which means you are able to claim your rebate immediately so then you only need to pay the gap. We expect full payment for your consultation on the day of your appointment.
What do I need to bring to my first visit?
Please bring any relevant x-rays, scans (MRI’s, ultrasounds etc) or other relevant information related to your injury, if you have them. Please arrive 10 minutes earlier than your scheduled appointment as we require you to complete some forms.
If you are a Workers’ Compensation patient, you need to bring:
- A doctor’s referral.
- A current Workcover Medical Certificate -showing GP approval of Physiotherapy treatment.
- Insurance company details, including Case Manager’s name, contact details and your claim number (if you already have it).
If you are a Motor Vehicle Accident patient covered under ICWA, you need to bring:
- A doctor’s referral.
- Claim number (if known).
If you are a Medicare patient, you need to bring:
- An EPC referral or patient care plan from your doctor.
- Your Medicare card.
If you are a DVA patient, you need to bring:
- A DVA referral from your doctor.
- Your DVA card.
Is my visit covered under Medicare?
Physiotherapy may be covered through Medicare if your doctor has given you a referral under the Medicare Chronic Disease Management Program. You may be eligible for up to 5 allied health (ie. Physiotherapy, Podiatry etc.) sessions per calendar year covered by Medicare. Your GP must decide whether or not your injury or condition is appropriate to be treated under this scheme.
What should I wear?
For hands on treatments, loose, comfortable clothing is recommended. Ideally your physiotherapist needs to be able to directly see your injury to be able to treat it effectively. If required, we provide towels for draping to maintain privacy and access to the injured area.
For our Clinical exercise classes, comfortable exercise or activewear, socks, a towel and water bottle are required.
For our running assessments, appropriate running gear is required. To allow us to make a more specific assessment of your exercise technique, we ask that you wear fitted rather than loose apparel.
What is your cancellation policy?
When you make an appointment at Impact Physiotherapy in most cases you will receive a “no reply” text message or a courtesy phone call reminding you of your appointment the day before.
We require 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. This allows our practice the opportunity to be able to offer that appointment to others in need.
If you fail to attend the practice and do not cancel your appointment within 24 hours, we may charge you a $35 cancellation fee. If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, we will try to provide you with an alternative appointment time on your scheduled day of service in order to avoid the cancellation fee being charged.
Motor Accident Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance does not generally cover charges for non-attendance. These charges will need to be met by the client.
Do you sell aids and equipment?
We have certain items for sale that may assist with your treatment and rehabilitation. These include heat packs, strapping tape, over the counter orthotics, theraband, ankle/knee/elbow braces and foam rollers. We are also able to order any other specific items required for your injury.